Glowing with Certainty

Photos by: Kayla Koch

Photos by: Kayla Koch

Fashion/Insight: Approximate time reading this post: 3 minutes

I'm not really the New Year’s resolution type, and if you have asked me to ever make a promise, you know the answer is "no." I am reliable, yes, but I don't like to make a promise that I will be someone or do something that I may feel differently about tomorrow or five years from now.

But one piece of advice I have heard from many people is “stop selling yourself short.” I was told this about a year and a half ago by my journalism director and professor, as well as my editor for my journalism internship. I've also heard this from close friends and family, but I have yet to seize it.

I don't think it is an act of being humble but actually uncertain and scared. Although I have placed my personal work in a published portfolio for all to see, I continue to downplay my success without even knowing it.

But this is something I want to work on. I don’t want to hide in my own shadow, unaware of the person in charge of potential or even current success. This will not become my resolution or promise but simply a change in lifestyle.

For everyone in college starting their first day of school today, tomorrow or next week, I wish you all the absolute best of luck! This semester is about to be one of my most challenging during my time at ASU and Walter Cronkite but I will be blogging as often as humanly possible :)

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Quick Story: The day before Christmas Eve, I was hanging around Downtown Phoenix and dropped by my best friend Kayla’s apartment, which she was in the midst of moving out. Every day around 5:00 when the sun sets it would light up her entire studio apartment with a perfect orange glow. Her place was especially empty because of the move, so we seized the opportunity and the lighting for a few photographs, and this is the outcome. This little oasis was a perfect getaway from the hustle and bustle of journalism classes and it will be deeply missed. But Kayla and I are expecting many adventures to come from her new condo, so stay tuned!

Thank you for reading along, and thank you, Kayla for being such an amazing photographer and friend- you continue to amaze me.  

I hope you all enjoyed today’s post and I am looking forward to writing on many more Mondays of 2017. As always, send me any questions, comments or suggestions in my “Contact Me” page or via social media found at the very bottom of this screen.

Outfit Details: striped crop top (Forever 21), highwaisted seam leggings (Forever 21), denim jacket (Forever 21), gray sweater cardigan (Forever 21), gold beaded choker (Forever 21)- OK I know I have a problem- silver middle ring (gift), index finger ring (gift).