A Year of Looking Forward

Insight: Approximate time reading this post: 3 minutes

I'm a firm believer in speaking things into existence. This follows the very concept of hope and also explains why I enjoy blogging about certain topics. But this year was a lot more action than talk. This was different for me, but very much needed.

Technically two years ago, I wrote "Hope For 2016" regarding my accomplishments for 2015 and limited expectations for 2016. Shortly after, I wrote "2016 is My Lucky Number" which might have been too soon to declare, but oh well. 

As it may have not seemed like a very good year for the world as a whole, I felt accomplished in my own personal feats of 2016. This past year was just what I had hoped for, an opportunity to put all my talk to the test. 

For myself and those around me, 2016 had plenty of "hellos" and "goodbyes," which made it feel all the more productive. 

But I don't quite feel like ranting anymore about 2016 (not because I keep having frightening flashbacks); but simply for the reason that you can read my past blog posts and/or stalk me on social media, if you really want to know about my year. Or talk to me in person, that's cool too. 

Overall, I'm entering this second day of 2017 with caution but hope. Hope for learned lessons and visible stepping stones throughout this year. I'm keeping this one short and sweet today because anything can happen this year, and I'm ready to accept that without preconceived expectations. 

Thank you again for following along with "Hope For Mondays." I look forward to the gradual future of my little blog and my work as a journalist. Don't be scared to send me questions, comments or suggestions through my blog, and even use my hashtag #hopeformondays if you are feeling extra excited about life. Happy first Monday of 2017!

Here is a quick look at my favorite 2016 moments:

(Click on the right side of this gallery to see more photos)
  1. Turning 21 years old with Allison, graduating from community college with my Associates of Arts degree and seeing Allison graduate from GCU.
  2. Joining the team at the Forever 21 in Scottsdale Quarter.
  3. Befriending Kayla as well as seeing her turn 21,  graduate community college and enrolling in ASU together.
  4. Seeing The 1975 live for the third time and perform their newest album, "I Like It When You Sleep For You Are So Beautiful Yet So Unaware of It."
  5. Entering my first semester at ASU Walter Cronkite: School of Journalism and Mass Communication, earning an A+ in Multimedia Journalism- which was my most challenging and rewarding class, and joining The State Press as an Arts and Culture reporter.
  6. Discovering The Grand Central Coffee House, making many memories with friends there.
  7. Seeing Alexis graduate from ASU.